Staying Positive During Hard Times Ft Greater Skies

The tough thing about life is that it likes to throw you hurdles, to test you and help you grow as a person. Some may be small and manageable whereas others can turn your life as you know it completely upside down. It’s hard when times are tough to maintain a relatively positive attitude about life and not lose yourself completely in it all. So I wanted to share with you guys 5 tips that have helped me through some of the hardest hurdles that I’ve had to face. In hope that it will help others dealing with similar situations!

This post is also a collaboration with Greater Skies, they were kind enough to send me one of their gorgeous Star Map Posters. But even though it was gifted to me all opinions are 100% my own, as I would never share anything with you guys that I didn’t truly love!


The biggest misconception people have is that to be positive you have to ignore all other feelings. But that just isn’t realistic, It’s so important to not let your feelings bottle up. Instead, try talking through how your feeling with a trusted friend or adult. If your afraid of what they might say or them accidentally saying the wrong thing, explain that you just need someone to listen and acknowledge how your feeling. But if you feel as though you may be better off talking ti a professional. Helplines like kids helpline are available 24/7. Or if talking just isn’t your thing try writing down how your feeling, don’t stress too much about if what your writing makes any sense. Just use this as a place to vent and process how your feeling.


When you’re going through a hard time, it can feel as though the positive or happy moments in your life are few to none. Instead of getting down about it, take it as an opportunity to create your own. It can be as simple as going for a walk, having a movie night or baking something yummy with a friend. If you really want to treat yourself go out to the movies, go on a picnic or even buy that item that’s been on your wish list forever. Do whatever will make YOU happy! The positive moments you make now will also give you something good to remember and focus on.


Social media puts a fake image in your head of how someone’s life “is supposed to be”. If you’re finding your self getting more down after going on social media its a sign you need a break. Delete all social media off your phone, so you don’t get tempted to check them. Just make sure beforehand to tell your close family and friends so that they don’t get worried. And try to stay off them for as long as possible, I personally like to do it for about a week. Spend the time you would normally be on your phone doing things you love and focus more on self-care. But if you don’t feel as though you need to take a break or once you get back online after your break. Take some time to look through your feed and at the type of people you are following. Are they people that inspire you or put a smile on your face when you see their posts? Or do they do the complete opposite? Clear out any people that don’t benefit you or your overall wellbeing. For more tips on creating a healthy balance with social media, check out Carly’s #TeenTalk post here


Find something you love doing that makes your heart happy. Whether that’s playing sport, baking yummy treats or drawing. Whatever it is, do it! It will give you a way to express yourself and get out any built up emotions in a positive way. Find something that will put a smile on your face even on your darkest day. I first started my blog when I was going through a really hard time, It gave me an escape and in the end created a platform where I could help others going through similar situations. Although JustSoElina started off as just a basic lifestyle and beauty blog. It has since grown into so much more and I will be forever grateful for that!


Have a vision that is bigger than the situation your facing. Whether that’s your dream job, a place you’d love to travel to or something you want to achieve in your lifetime. Whatever your vision is focus on it and don’t lose hope! I know that it’s much easier said than done. But this is the #1 thing that has helped me and continues to help me to this day. Last year I decided after going on a holiday to Cairns that one day I wanted to live there. I didn’t know when or how, but I focused on it happening. And that dream helped me to get through so many ups and downs. I had wanted more than anything, to one day call Cairns home. And for me it was so much stronger than any hurdle life could throw at me. Fast forward 8 months Cairns has become my home. It was definitely was anything but an easy move and I had never expected it to happen so soon. But it was hands down one of the best things to ever happen to me. It also proved to me that visualization is a very powerful thing!

That’s why when picking a memory for my personalized Star Map Poster that was kindly gifted to me by Greater Skies. I had to choose that day because it truly changed my life, in the best possible way! For those who don’t know Greater Skies produces quality personalized Star Map Posters as well as other heartfelt products. Their maps show the alignment of the stars and planets at the exact moment of your choosing. You also get to personalize it further by adding a quote of your choice. I knew when picking my quote I wanted it to be really special. I ended up adapting a quote I found online so it was more special to me. “It’s not the things we have, the money we make, the photos we take or the popularity we gain that defines us. It’s the light we bring into peoples lives that will cause us to shine brightest”

I am in love with my star map poster and will be ordering some more this Christmas for presents *shh don’ tell my family!*  If you want to get your very own Star Map Poster check out Greater Skies website here


I hope you guys found this post helpful in some way, It’s definitely a subject that is very close to my heart. I’m planning on doing more well-being posts like this in the future so make sure to keep your eyes out for them!

-How do you stay positive during hard times? Comment down below, I’d love to know! xx


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  1. Hi Elina

    A truly inspiring post, its tough to talk about our vulnerable moments but that is when we are the bravest.

    Wonderful post!

  2. Hello Elina! This is a wonderful post and as teenagers we often find ourselves depressed during these hard times. I really agree with you on Social Media Cleanse as I did mine a few months ago and i didn’t know its that amazing. And also, having a vision for myself has really helped me become more positive in life. Keep up the great posts.

    Kudakwaishe |

  3. Aww thank you I am so happy to hear you liked the post! And that you already incorporate some of the tips on my post, as it’s especially important for teenagers to look after their mental health.
    – Elina xx

  4. I love it. My little brother was born with Chronic Neonatal lung disease this year, so he may always struggle with that. I noticed that the image was of Cairns, QLD, which is around 17 hours north of me in Brisbane.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s condition, I hope that he is able to live his life relatively struggle-free one day! The photo was taken at Port Douglas, but I actually live in Cairns, so I’m pretty close to you!
    – Elina xx