#TEENTALK: How To Be The New Kid Ft LittleMissExpat
Hi Everyone!
I’m super excited that Elina reached out to me to ask if I wanted to be a part
of her #TeenTalk series. I think it’s very important that we share our experiences with each other
and create a community, because as teenagers we have a lot going on and it can be nice to have
that extra support and help from others. That’s why when Elina reached out to me, I knew I had
to be a part of this because I wanted to share an experience and hopefully some useful advice
with you guys.
In case you’re not familiar with my blog, Little Miss Expat, I’m a sixteen-year-old expatriate
who moved from London to Dubai when I was 13 years old. It was a really tough experience to
pick up everything and start my life on a completely different continent at a young age, but I
made it! And I wanted to share my experiences with others that might be going through the same
That’s why for my #TeenTalk story, I want to give you guys advice on being the ‘new kid.’
Whether you’re moving country, moving school, or even going into a new class, I want to share
some pieces of advice with you that will hopefully help.
Number one: Always Be Kind
This one may sound super simple, but trust me it makes all the difference. When you’re new you
start with a clean slate, and no one really knows anything about you. It makes a huge difference
if you’re the one to smile at someone, say hello, or hold the door open for them. It just shows
people what kind of person you are, and who knows it could be the start of a new friendship!
Number two: Don’t Get Discouraged
Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘first impressions are everything’? Well, that’s not always true.
Yes, it’s human nature to automatically jump to conclusions when you meet someone for the first
time, but once someone gets to know you those first impressions just melt away. In fact, one of
my favourite things to do with my friends is to ask them what they thought of me the first time
we met each other, and it’s always surprising to hear their answers! So if you’re having a tough
time being the new kid, don’t be discouraged! First impressions are not everything, and people
will get to know you soon enough.
Number three: Just Be You, Don’t Change To Try and Fit In
This is probably the most important piece of advice I’ll give you today, and that’s just be
yourself. When you’re the ‘new kid’ it’s easy to try and pretend to be someone you’re not, just
because you want to make friends and fit in. But trust me, everything happens for a reason,
you’ll naturally attract people similar to yourself, and those will be your true friends. Don’t go
thinking you have to change something about yourself just to fit in, because I can guarantee that
you’re good enough just the way you are!
I hope that you enjoyed my article for #TEENTALK, and that the three pieces of advice I shared
in here were useful to you!
Thank you!
Little Miss Expat