My Travel Essentials | Ft SurfandFloral
- Hey Guys! Surprise! Bonus blog post this week 🙂
I’m heading off to Philip Island this week, so I thought I would share with you some of my travel essentials. Also today’s post is a collab with SurfandFloral! She is an amazing blogger and she is also sharing her travel essentials on her blog, so make sure you check her post out here.
Probably an obvious one but my phone is my number 1 essential! Not only cause it has all my music on it, but its also what i use to take all my photos for my blog and Insta. I will defiantly be taking a tone of photos while im at Philip Island, so make sure you go and follow my Insta @justsoelina
A Good Book:
I love having something to read on long plane trips or drives. Whether it’s a new book im currently reading or one of my old favourites. My current go to books are the Girl Online Books by Zoe Sugg!
Cause music is an E S S E N T I A L !! I love to download a bunch of my favourite songs before I go away and creating a travel playlist. My current favourite song atm would have to be Fallin by Jessica Mauboy!
Favourite Magazine:
I don’t buy magazines a lot, but when I travel I like to treat myself and purcachse one of my favourite magazines to read during my trip 🙂
Art Supplies:
I love taking a few art supplies like water colours etc with me on holidays as I tend to have a bit more free time. I’m also trying to work on Mindfulness a lot more and I find art is great for that and extremely relaxing.
I always forget to bring my sunglasses and It’s so annoying as there is nothing worse than a long car ride with the sun constantly in your eyes! I’m in love with my sunglasses that I recently purachased from Valley Girl, they are super cute and were only $15.
Notebook / Planner:
I always bring my notebook and planner when I go away. As I love spending my free time planning out content for you guys! I am going to be planning out my blog and video content while I am away, so please comment down below what videos or posts you would like me to do <3
So I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks bonus post! Don’t forget to check out SurfandFlorals post and show her some love <3 Comment down below what are some of your travel essentials?!
Hi Elina! Yayyy, love your post so much! Have a blast in Philips Island!
– Suzanne
aww thank you so much, I defiantly will! It was great getting to collab with you <3