Dear 2020
Dear 2020,
You’ve certainly been one hell of a year, one that will not be forgotten by anyone. You turned everyone’s lives upside down and filled them with isolation, pain, uncertainty and anxiety. You’ve shown us our strengths and our weaknesses. Our lack of connection to one another and our sense of community. How our planet can thrive and what we are doing preventing that. Most importantly you’ve shown what’s truly important in our lives and holding gratitude for it.
I’m not trying to sugar coat it cause let’s be real youve been one of if not the most challenging years we’ve faced. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thankful for the lessons you’ve brought with you. You took my health, my hearing and my ability to walk. Stripping them away from me bit by bit. I couldn’t understand why it kept getting worse, why I had to loose more abilities needed for daily life. I still don’t understand but I don’t think I’m meant to.
This year I finally got a diagnosis after almost 10 years of searching for answers. I met the most incredible filmmaker who became one of my biggest role models and closest friend. I researched, designed, created and launched my own business (in the middle of a pandemic). I met my best friend through starting chronic youth, some of my most treasured memories of this year being with her and her family. I went to my first concert being deaf and got to experience music in a new way, (thank you Linda,). Me and my mum began learning sign language and now have our own funny form of communicating. I met two amazing friends who helped me adjust to my deafness. And still make me feel like me even with my disabilities. I got to spend my 18th with those closest to me. And begin turning what has challenged me this year into something positive for Chronic Youth Australia in 2021.
This year has been anything but easy for everyone. We’ve all had our own challenges and difficulties along the way. Focusing on the fact I can’t walk or hear my friends talk only pulls me down further. So I’m choosing to focus on the lessons and gifts in this year. Because big or small we all experienced them in some form.
Thank you 2020, I’ve learnt a lot from you this year.