Easy Ways To Get Into The Christmas Spirit
JustSoChristmas Day 2
The countdown to Christmas has finally begun! Are you excited? I know I am! Although if I’m being honest it’s taken me a bit of time to get there. While I absolutely LOVE Christmas! It’s been a little harder to get into the festive spirit while dealing with chronic pain. So I thought I would share the things that have helped me get into the Christmas spirit, to help anyone else struggling to feel Christmassy this year.
I don’t know about you, but when I think back about Christmas time I instantly think back to baking gingerbread men with a close family friend when I was younger. It’s a tradition I continue to this day, every year in the weeks leading up to Christmas you will usually find me in the kitchen. Baking up yummy treats to put in hampers to gift to family and friends. Some of my go-to festive treats are:
Christmas movies are an essential this time of year! There is nothing cosier than sitting down to watch your favourite classic Christmas movie. You can even take it an extra step further and make a night of it, cook a yummy meal or use it as an excuse to get some takeaway and have a movie night with your family. Some of my must watch movies are:
- Elf
- The Grinch
- Deck The Halls
- The Holiday Calendar
- Santa Clause 1, 2 & 3
- A Princess For Christmas
The most obvious, but my personal fave way to get into the Xmas spirit is to decorate the Christmas tree! I always make a special occasion out of it, so I make sure to pick a day where we have nothing else on. And I’ll play either a Christmas movie or carols on in the background. Each year we also get to pick out a new decoration, usually from Myers cause their decorations are gorgeous! To add to our collection, I love it because it makes each decoration we have special.
Music for me any time of the year is a must, especially around Christmas time! Growing up I would usually start playing carols in September (a throwback to the days HiFive Christmas carols were my jam) but now I’m older I have a bit more restraint. So I usually start creating my Xmas playlist in November, I know it’s still a bit early. But its still progress… right?! I love creating a playlist of my favourite classic carols, as well as more modern ones to mix things up a bit. Some of the songs on my repeat atm are:
- All I Want For Christmas Is You – Mirah Carey
- Snowman – Sia
- It’s Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas – Michael Buble`
- Santa Tell Me – Ariana Grande
- The First Noel – Pentatonix
- Santa’s Coming For Us – Sia
Christmas traditions have always been a big thing in my house and are definitely something I look forward to each year! I love researching new traditions that we could add each year, Some of my family’s traditions are:
- Buying a new special ornament each year
- Opening one present each on Christmas Eve
- Filming opening our presents on Christmas morning – my mum started doing this when I was 5 and its something she continues to do to this day. When I got older I started ‘vlogging’ the day to capture memories.
- The chocolate tree – a mini Christmas tree that we hang Lindor chocolates off instead of ornaments, it’s basically a DIY advent calendar
Vlogmas is definitely something I look forward to each year! Waking up to all the Christmassy videos in my subscription box each morning just put me in such a great mood. It kind of reminds me of advent calendars, because it 1 gets you into the Christmas spirit and 2 builds the anticipation for Christmas Day. And I’m always on the lookout for new Vlogmas’s to watch, so please feel free to comment down below what your favourite ones are.
Some of my favourite Vlogmas’s are:
- Zoella aka Zoe Sugg
- Naiomi Smart
- Alisha Marie aka Alisha Marie Vlogs
- Adelaine Morin aka Adelines Camera Roll
There is nothing quite like receiving a card in the mail and I feel like it’s not as common as it used to be to send and receive Christmas cards. So why not write and send out Christmas cards to family and friends. Try to make them personal/special. It’s so easy to write the same thing in each card, instead take the time to add in an inside joke or something personal to the recipient. You could even go the extra mile and make your own Christmas cards! Let your creativity & Christmas spirit shine!
-Have you been counting down the days till Christmas time or have you been finding it a little harder to get into the festive spirit? And what your favourite thing about this time of year? Comment down below, I’d love to know! xx